Monday 22 August 2011

Hates of hatred and hateness

Soooo I know I only made my last post about 10 hours ago, but I couldn't really contain the urge to do this. Although they have numbers, they aren't in any particular order, because I hate them all equally. Anyway. I hope this doesn't make you feel terrible! D:

#1. Stupid People.
The type who get lost in thought because they've never been there before, and get a headache every time they pause to even think about brain cells. The type who, when they saw a book for the first time, immediately asked how it worked and held it up as if it were going to bite them on the fingers if they tried to open it.

#2. Touch Screen Phones
Most of the time they don't even work, because the phone cant sense you touching it from underneath all the grub you've put on it from using it too much. Of course, it helps if you clean it, but who wants to waste hours of their life wiping the snot and sweat off the screen of a phone?

#3. Blogs
Yes... I suppose I should really clarify this. I don't hate blogs so long as they are written by smart people. So long as the people who own them have enough brain cells to STOP.
INNAPPROPRIATELY. and blabbing on and on about how the cereal  they ate that morning touched their heart and made them want to weep for joy. My mum and I have taken to calling blogs like these "globs".

#4 Emo's/Depressed people who actually have good lives without realising it
They should be happy! So far as we know, you only have one life! (Or maybe you have more, but obviously the people who do know havn't lived to tell the tale) These type of people don't realise that while they only have two living grandparents, or a dying pet, there are still hundreds of people without food and water who wish they could live a life with those things.

#5. Cranky Checkout Chicks
You can go into a grocery shop all happy and merry, and come out ready to chop somebody's head off. Why? Because of the cranky ladies at the counter. They just stand there and glare at you the whole time they are packing your groceries, and it's enough to ruin your mood for the rest of the day. 

#6. Norton.
Possibly the worst anti-spam program you can install on your computer. It doesn't even tell you before it shuts down your computer, and whoop-de-doo, look at that, you've lost ten pages of text you just happened to be working on. 

#7. All anti-spam programs
Their just a stupid idea in general.

#8. Stupid book series of today.
Some people write the worst possible books these days, literature so bad it makes you want to pull out your eyes and burn them on a spork. It's really quite sad that people of morrow-year will look back on these books and go, "Oh my god, it's so ancient, look at the ancient text it's written in!". However having said that, I like Pride and Prejudice a lot, and it was probably something like the Twilight of it's day, only wittier. Because I've seen piles of steaming you-know-what that are wittier than the Twilight books.

#9. Child-proof bottle caps
Because when you're a child, you can never work out how many times you have to twist and pull the damn things for them to come off!

This list will be updated as I think of more cringe-worthy things...for now, my friends, goodbye! ^.^

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